Thursday, April 11, 2013

Oscar Mayer

We were at Walmart today and outside they had the Oscar Mayer Weiner truck.  Not many can say that they have seen it.  Nathan was EXCITED to finally see it.  We took our nephew Evan with us and he thought it was quit hilarious.  It was really cold and windy out so I left Kelci in the stroller.


First hair cut

Kelci had her first hair cut today.  She has been needing it cut for awhile since it was growing in uneven and I finally got Nathan to help me hold her still.  I was affraid to do it cause I didn't want to accidentially cut her but I am proud to announce I didn't cut her. 

The finished look!!  As you can see she has lost A LOT of hair and it is coming in lighter.  I was really hoping she would keep her black hair.


Happy Easter!!  We had a wonderful Easter with Nathan's family.  It was a beautiful day so we got to spend a lot of it outside.  I didn't get many pictures cause our camera died :( Kelci had a great time sitting outside and playing with her eggs then got grouchy cause I took them away to go inside.  Needless to say I had to let her play with them all day.